Business Development

Chartered Accountants

  • Vision, define the future direction for your business. Get clarity on where you are now and where you want to go.

  • Opportunities and Roadblocks, identify business opportunities you didn't know exit & break through the most common roadblocks to success.

  • Get clear on your ideal client and what you do for them, Why should your clients chose you? Work to your strengths and attract more of the customers you want to work with. 

  • Budget, the course will help to set profit targets and identify how much revenue you need to achieve your goals.

  • Goal setting, what you want to achieve. The personal and financial goals you’d like to achieve.

  • 90 day action plan, identify goals & key projects. Then break the goals down into the actions required to achieve your goals. Identify 'Quick wins’ to move the needle of your business.

  • BONUS Content: Cashflow. Cashflow planning tool to help you predict your financial future.

  • BONUS Content: Ebook our simple ways to grow your business.

#whatsnext Business Planning Course

Access the methodology the most successful business owners use

We coach you through the business planning process and help you build a plan for your business.


Work through it in your on time and unlock new modules as you progress through the course.


On completion you will have a 12 month business plan along with a 90 day action plan you can update each quarter.


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This introductory offer is only available for a very limited time.

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