Business Development
Chartered Accountants
Company & registration do you really need a company? How do you register a business? We cover this so you set up properly from the start.
Claiming expenses, so you heard you can 'claim expenses'? We'll show you which ones and how business give you an unfair advantage to being an employee.
How to get paid, what goes on an invoice? How does your customer pay you and how do you pay yourself?
Tax, the simple but effective tax set up that will help you avoid tax surprises and tax mistakes.
Budget, the course will help you to set a budget and identify how much revenue you need to achieve your goals and cover your costs.
Accounting software, what one should you use and do you even need to pay money for it?
Getting ready to buy a house, avoid the common mistakes business owners make before visiting the bank to buy a house.
BONUS: Business Planning our business planning template FREE that our most successful business planning clients use.
BONUS: Cashflow. Our $2,875 Cashflow planning tool to help you predict your financial future. With free video training.
So You Want To Start A Business?
Get access to the same business fundamentals that million dollar businesses have in place
We take you through the business set up process and help you get answers to the most common questions of new business owners.
Work through it in your own time and go away and take action as you progress through the course.
On completion you will have a sound understanding of the business fundamentals along with continued access to the course material.
Avoid the costly mistakes that other new business owners make!
$249 + GST
(It's actually $195 +GST for the first 50 people - click below to see if you are)
P.s. This will be your first tax deductible expense
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Kent Johns, Health Coach
I can highly recommend the Next Advisory online start-up business course. You can go at your own pace and it is easy to monitor your progress. I now know the answer to so many questions I was intimidated by and am all the better in business for it. These guys sure make everything easier for a beginner like me